EAS SOlutions
efficient devices to thwart on site theft
EAS (electronic article surveillance) is a set of technologies such as RF, AM, RFID and various products like detection antennas, cameras and sensors used to prevent theft in your store.
For over 30 years, Fors is recognized as an industry leader in antitheft solutions, with our knowledge and experience, our team is here to help you with your projects.
RF demonstration at a supermarket checkout
Regardless of the technology used, our EAS solutions are simple and typically require you to place :
– Detection antennas or gates at your store’s entry and exit points,
– Adapted anthitheft products (tags, labels, safers, etc.) on the products to secure,
– Deactivators and unlockers at checkout.
These products need to be setup accordingly for them to work effectively.

Rotation set allowing for 2 passage ways (75 / 140 cm)
Protection cover limiting the antenna’s detection range to 1 side. It can also protect against interferences from objects behind it.
for the disabled
(wheelchair, crutches, etc.)
max between
2 antennas

Leave 20 cm between the antenna and the guidance bar.

Leave 90 cm between the antenna and baskets.

Leave 50 cm between the antenna and your sliding doors.

Leave enough clearance for carts.
Fors combines different EAS technologies to bring you the ideal protection.
Antenna detection

MONO antennas :
Can be installed alone or in serial. They detect on both sides.

DUO antennas :
They work in pairs and their detection area is limited to one side.
Radio-frequency (RF)
A discrete and efficient solution for your store
The RF technology is the most common on the market. It relies on an 8,2 MHz high frequency radio signal. The internals of the antitheft tags and labels amplify this signal when in range of an antenna, allowing it’s detection.
This technology is very popular, especially in mass retail, and benefits from a large range of antennas and accessories. It has the best performance to price ratio with a detection rate up to 90%, all of it is embeded in a discrete package and a sleek design.
It’s worth noting that metallic objects can disrupt the RF fields, hence the configuration should be handled by a professional.

◌ Mass retail
◌ Supermarkets
◌ Textile
◌ Footwear
◌ Libraries
◌ Detecion rate up to 90%
◌ Aesthetic
◌ Works through liquids
◌ Excellent performance to price ratio
◌ Large range of accessories
◌ Numerous options
◌ Sensitive to metal
◌ Initial configuration
Acousto-magnetic (AM)
The most adapted solution for large passages
AM systems are the most performant antitheft systems, they rely on a 58 khz magnetic field. AM tags and labels have ferromagnetic slats that vibrate as they enter an AM magnetic field. The vibration is detected by the antenna, allowing the detection.
The main advantage of this technology is that it combines the best detection rate (up to 95%) and a very high range (up to 250cm).
It also allows you to easily protect small products with discrete labels, making this tech ideal for drugstores, perfume and cosmetic items.
The initial configuration, regardless of the model, requires an expert that is able to make an environmental assessment.

◌ Drugstores
◌ Cosmetics
◌ High-tech
◌ Optics
◌ Museums
◌ DIY, Decoration
◌ Detection rate up to 95%
◌ Very discrete labels
◌ False alerts are close to non-existent
◌ Covers a larger area
◌ More expensive
◌ Expertise required for the inital configuration
◌ Sensitive to metal
electro-magnetic (EM)
A technology suited for metallic products
The EM thechnology was the first to appear on the market. It’s similar to AM with the difference being that it detects a magnetized antitheft in it’s field.
This technology is decreasing in popularity with the arrival of RF and AM systems that offer better performance. However it allows labels to be reactivated, making it a perfect solution for libraries amongst others. This technology also allows metallic products to be protected, making ideal for various hardware stores.

◌ Libraries
◌ Media stores
◌ Various hardware
◌ Protects metallic products
◌ Discrete accessories
◌ Cost of accessories
◌ Reusable labels
◌ Cost of antennas
◌ 80% detection rate
◌ Range limited to 90cm
Fighting experienced thieves : available options
Protect the protection
In their attempts at countering currently deployed antitheft systems, thieves are developing countermeasure technics, such as powerful magnets to disable some antitheft products, or by using a “booster-tag”.
With these technics being public knowledge, solutions can be deployed in order to protect antitheft products.
Metal detection
The booster-bag is at first glance a standard bag, however it is discretely coated with aluminium inside in order to block detection signals. A discrete and effective way to steal, usually for clothing.
It’s impact is most often underestimated, as it represents the biggest loss in revenue for stores. It is recommended to combine your traditional antennas with a metal detection solution.
magnet detection
Magnet detection antennas are usually installed in fitting rooms for them to be able to detect prohibited magnets that can be used to disable some antitheft devices.
our forscloud solution
Online maintenance for your installations
Our SmartPulse tech guarantees a high quality and reliability of our hardware through time.
Our ForsCloud solution integrates telemaintenance and improves data collection for your security personel.

With our ForsBox, you can tether your antennas to one another, ForsCloud allows you to configure and maintain your installations, but also to control your antennas integrated passages and have your checkout alarm triggers directly connected to your security personel.

Via internet, telemaintenance allows us to monitor and remotely intervene on configuration issues for us to provide you with a better support if needed.

Reporting & Analyse

Fors Hosting

Our servers allow you to monitor in real time the data output of your antennas.
Our reporting features allows you to monitor your store’s EAS regardless of your location.


Tethered to your antennas, the ForsBox allows them to stream data online and benefit from our ForsCloud solutions.
Passage & alarm closed checkout

With the embeded features of the Orchestra antenna, such as closed checkout monitoring, you can detect any client going through a closed checkout passage. The antenna turns red.

Our Orchestra antennas are compatible with our ForsBox & ForsCloud solutions. They also have a backlight : blue by default and red when an alarm is triggered.
passage counter

The counter allows to measure the entry / exit flow where the antenna is located. This solution offers you convenience and flexibility.
alarm trigger

With our ForsBox & ForsCloud solutions, the alarm trigger allows the cashier to ping the security personel if needed.

For your security personel, the pager aggregates your different alarms (closed checkout, tag detection, alarm trigger, etc.) for them to provide an adequate response.
The Fors antennas : versatility with quality
The detection antenna is a the heart of your products safety, they’ll satisfy your requirements for your store’s protection.
Our expertise allows us to better support our clients and guide them to most suited solution with their technical and budget constraints. Our antennas are adapted for all stores.
Always striving for excellence, our RF & AM antennas feature the the latest DSP standards allowing to mitigate any interferences and maintain a high detection rate to guarantee an optimal protection for your products.
With our knowhow and experience, we’re able to guide you towards the most suitable solution for your store by taking into consideration all of your constraints.
More than 3 500 stores are equipped with our antennas in France and the rest of the world.
◌ Our RF Mono range
◌ Our RF Duo range
Our RF Mono range
A discrete and efficient protection for your store

Permanent blue & red when triggered

Protection Cover
Metal protection 20/10

Cart Protection
Metal tubing and PMMA slides

Red backlighting, Configurable sound alarm

Smartpulse Tech
Last-gen DSP with our SmartPulse for an improved detection
Radio-frequency antennas have been conceived for the most sensitive environments.
With our SmartPulse tech the antenna detects any interfering element in it’s area and optimizes it’s detection.
This tech allows it to reach a 2,20m detection range between two antennas (with the Forstag Round).
Once installed, the antenna adapts to its environment on its own, limiting maintenance costs.
It integrates perfectly in supermarkets, hypermarkets, DIY stores, mass retail and other proximity stores…
The antennas in this range rely on an 8,2 Mhz RF signal, the universal standard for labels and stickers. They’re compatible with all brands.
detection range on each side of the antenna
↔ 90 cm
↔ 90 cm
↔ 110 cm
Forstag Round
The environment, conifguration and the product’s size can affect the detection range.
Armony Plus RF
Released in 2015, the Armony antenna has convinced numerous retail clients with its design and ease of configuration.
Over 300 retail stores are equipped with our ARM-G3 model in France and the rest of the world.
- DSP with SmartPulse
- Automatic interference awareness
- Excellent detection
- Versatile
- Design
- Performance stability through time
- Blue backlighting (option)
Orchestra Plus RF
The new Orchestra RF antenna fills the new requirements regarding data streaming for retail businesses. With a new design and an exceptional ease of installation, configuration and remote maintenance.
- Slim (65 mm)
- Telemaintenance (option)
- Passage counter (option)
- Automatic reporting (option)
- Pager (option)
- Blue backlighting (option)
- Passage alarm for closed checkouts (option)

Ultra Slim
Only 4cm of width at the antenna’s base

PMMA transparent antenna for an absolute discretion

Point of Sale Advertising
Can be used as an advertising banner or it can host a plexi support/

Red backlight, configurable sound alarm

Embeded electronics
Last gen DSP Rx-Tx tech for a better detection
The Symphony Plus Radio-frequency antenna is perfectly adpated to retail stores, allowing for an optimal detection between two gates.
With the Rx-Tx tech the antennas work in pair for an optimal performance.
This tech allows for a detection range up to 2,20m between two antennas (with our Forstag Round).
The Symphony PLus range is comprised of two models : the Symphony Plexi and the Symphony Alu. The only difference between the two is the design.
The antennas in this range rely on an 8,2 Mhz RF signal, the universal standard for labels and stickers. They’re compatible with all brands.
detection range between two antennas
↔ 160-180 cm
↔ 180-200 cm
↔ 200-220 cm
Forstag Round
The environment, conifguration and the product’s size can affect the detection range.
Released in 2015, the Symphony Plus antenna has convinced numerous retail clients with its design and ease of installation and configuration.
- DSP signal filter
- Excellent detection
- Adevertisement integration
Symphony Plexi
- Sleek Design
- Slim
Symphony Alu
- Cost optimization
- Ultra Slim
- Higher physical tolerance
AM Duo Range
The most performant tech for large passages

Ultra Slim
Seulement 5 cm d’épaisseur à la base de l’antenne

Antenne en PMMA transparent pour une discrétion totale
Possibilité d’intégrer de la PLV ou un support plexi
Signal rouge,
Alarme sonore

Électronique intégrée
DSP de dernière génération avec technologie AM pour une meilleure détection
Ideal for clothing, drugstores, etc., our AM antennas benefit from an excellent detection range and a perfect resistance to any interference.
This tech can reach a detection range up to 2,20m between two antennas (with our Rambo Tags), allowing your to clear your entry point for your clients.
The tempo range is comprised of three models : with three different widths with varying detection strengths.
These antennas rely on a 58 KHz magneto-acoustic signal, the international standard for hard labels and stickers. They are compatible with all brands.
detection range between two antennas
↔ 130 cm
Étiquette AM
↔ 160 cm
Macaron AM
↔ 200 cm
Forstag AM Rambo Tag
L’environnement, les configurations d’installation, ainsi que la taille des étiquettes, peuvent influer sur les distances de détection.Additional products
Options et accessoires
Les outils pour construire une solution parfaitement adaptée
équipements de désactivation
équipements de déverrouillage
Compteurs de passage
Les Solutions SpinTag

Lutter efficacement contre le vol de masse …

ProtecPin s’adapte à tous types de gondoles !
Protection vidéo
Options et accessoires
Optimisez votre configuration !
Guidance an guates
Managing trafic in your store

Issue de secours
Portillon muni d’un crantage autorisant le passage en cas d’urgence.
Sortie sans achat
Le portillon manuel “sortie sans achat” peut être commandé par un simple bouton par vos hôte(sse)s de caisse. Il est également possible d’installer un portillon mécanique permettant le passage dans le sens souhaité.
guidance bar
Securing your entry and exits points is simple with our chrome-plated guidance bars.
guidance rails
The grounded guidance rails allows you to protect your furniture from physical impacts. The modular elements are easy to install and gives you flexibility. Produced in stainless steel, they can be used indoors and outdoors.

Solution Libre-Service
La solution caisse automatique permet l’ouverture du portillon sur présentation du code-barres imprimé sur le ticket de caisse. Ce système permet de réduire les vols et de garantir un haut niveau de sécurité sur les caisses automatiques.

Portillon automatique
Le portillon automatique constitue la solution économique idéale pour sécuriser l’entrée de votre magasin.
Il déclenche automatiquement l’ouverture lorsqu’un client s’approche. Ce nouveau modèle EasyGate NG bénéficie des dernières innovations Fors.
Si une personne passe le portillon à l’envers, une alarme se déclenche.
La solution EasyGate NG
simplicité d’utilisation
Le Nouveau EasyGate NG combine le meilleur de la gamme Easygate standard et Flexigate tout en bénéficiant de la technologie et des composants les plus récents du marché. Son format compact permet une implantation facile quelle que soit la configuration de votre magasin. L’EasyGate NG a été conçu dans l’objectif de créer une harmonie parfaite entre les différents éléments de la gamme (bras, montants, barres de guidage…). Il dispose d’une fonction anti-panique et d’une alarme sonore qui retentit si le bras de porte est poussé dans le mode anti-panique.Spécificités
- ○ Fonction anti-panique permettant un déverrouillage inversé du portillon ○
- ○ Ouverture du bras à 90° ○
- ○ Liaison et synchronisation de plusieurs portillons (par GateCom) ○
- ○ Puissance anti-panique réglable ○
La gamme EASYGATE NG peut être fournie dans les différentes configurations suivantes :- ○ Mode Standard (ouverture automatique) ○
- ○ Mode Bienvenue (portillons ouverts se refermant si quelqu’un passe dans le sens inverse) ○
- ○ Mode Sécurisé (portillons doubles) ○
- ○ Mode Nettoyage (toutes les portes peuvent être ouvertes à la fois grâce à un panneau de commande en option) ○
Données techniques
- ○ Temps d’ouverture : 1,5 s ○
- ○ Temps de fermeture : 2,5 s ○
- ○ Puissance anti-panique : 40 à 75 Nm ○
- ○ Type de signal : NPN, 12 VDC ○
- ○ Réglages : Puissance anti-panique, temps d’ouverture et fermeture du portillon ○
- ○ Alimentation Moteur : 12 VDC ○
- ○ Alimentation : 230 V ○
For any enquiry
Contact our commercial department :
+33 01 41 77 62 00
and by mail : contact.commercial@fors.fr
We study with you the best way to maximize our product’s performance.
Installation throughout metropolitan France.
Our vast network of certified technicians maintains your installations.